September 2021

What’s the best time to exercise? When you can fit it in—even if that’s right before bed. You may have heard that exercising at night can make it harder to fall asleep, but that claim doesn’t add up: According to the National Sleep Foundation, a study of 1,000 people found that there were no significant differences in sleep quality between people who exercised within four hours of going to sleep versus those who had worked out earlier in the day.

No matter what time of day you exercise, you’ll likely sleep better: In the National Sleep Foundation study, 83 percent of “vigorous exercisers” got “very good” or “fairly good” quality of sleep, compared to just 56 percent of non-exercisers. And working out before bed could actually improve your sleep quality further: In a review of 23 different studies, published in Sports Medicine, people who exercised within four hours of bedtime had more hours of deep sleep than those who didn’t do those workouts, says

Getting quality sleep is a big deal to your risk of early death, risk of disease and also your weight loss efforts. When you sleep less, you eat more… and not quality, nutrient dense foods. One study, published in Clinical Nutritional and Metabolism Care, found that when people got fewer than seven hours of sleep, their daily calorie intake increased by 14 percent, with most of those extra calories coming from high-carbohydrate foods.

Burn more calories with a before bed workout and get better sleep to control your appetite. Our fitness experts at The Leaf have created this quick exercise before bed to help you on your wellness and weight loss journey! Just remember to give yourself a one-hour break after the exercise. This will help your body cool down and prepare for slumber—just as you would after a warm bath.

6 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

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Get started with some strength training.

Strength training at any time of the day improves your sleep. However, a before-bed strength session can mean you’ll sleep more soundly, waking up less frequently during the night. Of course, it can also help with your weight loss goals: According to The Harvard Gazette, scientists found that men who performed 20 minutes of “daily weight training” experienced less age-related belly fat gains than those who did the same amount of cardio work.

This short before bed workout is lower intensity, so you won’t get too amped up—or too sweaty—in the hours before bed. Perform all sets of each exercise before moving to the next exercise. Rest for one minute between each exercise and set.

Exercise 1: Squat to Chair (or Bed)

squat exercise

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly out from parallel. Push your hips back to initiate the squat, controlling your descent as you bend your knees to descend until you sit in the chair. As you descend, keep your chest up and your weight on your heels. Keep the weight of your body in your heels and press back to standing without using your hands. If this is too hard, perform only the lowering portion of the squat—sitting down—then use your hands to stand back up and repeat. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the repetitions.

Exercise 2: Elevated Push-up

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Place your hands on the seat of chair or on the fourth step of a staircase. Assume the classic push-up position: Arms perpendicular to your torso, your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Maintaining this rigid body line, bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the seat. To protect your shoulders from pain and injury, keep your elbows relatively tight to your sides rather than flaring them out at a 90-degree angle. Press back to start. If this is too hard, try a wall push-up instead. Perform four sets of four or more repetitions each.

The Importance of Good Sleep and Staying Healthy

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Exercise 3: Supine Glute Bridge

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Lie face-up on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, palms up. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, squeeze your glutes to raise your hips forcefully off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. As you’re lifting, keep your knees and thighs parallel—don’t let them pull together. This will engage your hip musculature. Pause for a second at the top of the exercise, then slowly return to the start position. As you’re raising up, don’t let your heels come off the floor. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the number of repetitions in each set.

Exercise 4: Wall Stick Up

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Stand facing away from a wall, with your feet about six inches away from the wall. Your head, upper back and butt should all be in contact with the wall—and they should stay in contact with it throughout the exercise. Put your arms straight up overhead, with the backs of your hands, elbows and forearms in contact with the wall. Now slide your arms down the wall by bending your elbows, keeping your hands, forearms and shoulders in contact with the wall. Keep lowering until your elbows come as close as you can bring them to your sides. (You should feel a strong contraction between your shoulder blades.) Pause, then slide your arms back up the wall until your arms are overhead. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the number of repetitions in each set, aiming for eight repetitions.

10 Easy Home Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room

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Finish up with some calming stretches in bed.

When people with insomnia do yoga, they become more likely to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, says The National Sleep Foundation. Calm your own body down with this six-pack of restorative stretches after your strength workout, and help put yourself on the path to dreamland. Sit on the edge of the bed for the first three stretches, then lie on the bed for the last three.

Stretch 1: Circle Your Ankles

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Sit on the edge of the bed with both feet on the ground. Lift one foot off the floor and circle your ankle 10 to 15 times in each direction. Repeat with the other foot.

Stretch 2: Lift Your Heels

night stretches

Place both feet back on the floor. Press the balls of both feet into the floor and lift your heels off the ground, stretching the midfoot. Perform 10 to 15 lifts.

Stretch 3: Stretch Your Side

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Sit up tall. Place your right hand on the bed by your side and lift your left arm to the ceiling. Arc the left arm up and over the head until you feel a slight stretch in your side. Reverse the movement to the starting position. Repeat six to eight times per side.

10 Ten-Minute Workouts

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Stretch 4: Rock with Your Knees at Your Chest

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Lie on your back on the bed. Bring your knees towards your chest, and grab your legs just below your knees. Rock back and forth gently a few times.

Stretch 5: Single Knee to Chest


Still on your back, straighten your legs. Now bring just one knee up to your chest while the other remains outstretched on the bed. Hug the lifted knee to your chest, then switch legs. Hug each knee three times.

Stretch 6: Lying Arm Circles

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Let your legs go straight again on the bed. Spread your arms out so your body forms a “T” shape. Keeping your arms straight, perform 10 arm circles forward, then 10 back. Repeat one more time.

Learn more helpful sleep tips and fitness routines from our wellness experts at the Leaf! We’re here to help you achieve your wellness goals along your weight loss journey.

Pair your workout routine with a healthy meal delivery service! Learn more about the Nutrisystem program >

*Always speak with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night

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The post Boost Weight Loss and Improve Sleep with this Before-Bed Exercise Routine appeared first on The Leaf.

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People have been sharing information and inspiration with each other through books for thousands of years. Today we all have many different options for entertainment and gathering knowledge, yet books remain popular. Across all genres, book sales are higher than ever—and the number of new titles published each year is increasing.

Books now come in a variety of formats, including electronic books and audio books alongside more traditional printed volumes. Newsstands are full of magazines, with issues tailored to meet just about any interest. With so many options from which to choose, it’s easier than ever to find a medium that works for you—so you can read more every day.

Reading has many benefits for your mind, body and mood. Researchers have been studying the impact that reading has on your health and well-being, and the results are overwhelmingly positive. Reading can even help move you toward your weight loss goal.

Keep reading this article to find out why making time to read more is good for you.

Stress Management: 7 Symptoms and Signs of Chronic Stress

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1. Release stress.

Woman sits cross-legged on her bed by the windows, smiling as she holds an open book

Our daily lives can be so busy and hectic, they leave us feeling anxious and even overwhelmed. What is a healthy way to relieve some of this daily pressure?

Reading for 30 minutes reduces blood pressure, heart rate and feelings of distress, according to the results of research, published in the Journal of College Teaching and Learning. And since stress is a common cause of overeating, reading can help you stay on track toward your weight loss goals.

2. Sleep better.

Keep a book handy on your bedroom nightstand to make it easier to read more

If you have trouble sleeping at night, reading helps because it reduces the physical symptoms of stress that otherwise might keep you awake. A physical book also helps offset the effects of the type of blue light emitted by televisions and cell phones. If left unchecked, this blue light can prevent your body from producing melatonin, the hormone that helps you to fall asleep.

Reading a book at bedtime relaxes your body, prepares your brain for rest and distracts your mind from everyday cares and worries. Sleeping better helps you lose weight because when you are overly tired, you’re more likely to eat unhealthy foods. Once again, read more to stay on-track to better physical health.

3. Exercise your brain.

Woman perched on her windowsill, reading a book in the natural daylight

Just like our muscles, our minds need regular activity to keep them strong and flexible. Research shows that reading regularly improves and maintains our cognitive abilities. This has benefits at any age, but it’s especially valuable as we get older. One study, published in the journal Neurology, found that people who engage in mentally stimulating activities like reading were less likely to develop late-life cognitive decline.

Experts at Psychology Today explain, “Those people who reported that they read were protected against brain lesions and tangles and self-reported memory decline over the 6-year study. In addition, remaining an avid reader into old age reduced memory decline by more than 30%, compared to engaging in other forms of mental activity.”

5 Ways Sleep Deprivation is Affecting Your Weight

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4. Live longer.

This person grabs a library book off the shelf. Public libraries help everyone read more

So reading may not actually extend your life span, but an interesting national “Health and Retirement Study” followed 3,635 adults for 12 years. According to Harvard Health, “They determined that people who read books regularly had a 20% lower risk of dying over the next 12 years compared with people who weren’t readers or who read periodicals.” This protective effect of books remained regardless of gender, wealth, education or health.

5. Find comfort and inspiration.

An older man, stretched on a couch, wears glasses as he reads a book

Other people’s stories can reassure us that everyone faces obstacles to success and remind us that we can overcome our own challenges. Biographies, memoirs and other true tales show us how they have managed to take on adversity and make the best of themselves.

Bookshelves today also are full of self-help books, written by a wide variety of experts, such as psychologists and life coaches. These books encourage us to believe in ourselves and help guide our thinking about what to expect from ourselves. Good habits of the mind are as important as your eating habits when you’re working toward your healthiest self.

6. Fire your imagination.

Young man reads a book as though he is staring at the stars and dreaming

When you read, your imagination is activated, giving you a different perspective than you have in your daily life. Reading can take you to far-off places and carry you away, if only temporarily, from your everyday stress. Reading can give you an understanding of other people and cultures without the logistics and costs of travel; this perspective can help you to better see who you are and what choices you make. Imagining yourself reaching your own goals is a big step toward achieving them.

7 Easy Tips for Natural Stress Relief

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7. Think fresh.

Person carefully turns the pages of a classic leatherbound library book

The little voice inside our head that guides our thoughts can be a positive or negative force for our mental and physical well-being, and tends to be limited to the set of experiences we’ve lived.

Reading lets us in on how other people think, and allows us to know how they view themselves and other people. Learning about others’ perspectives can give us insight into our own thought patterns and biases, and show us how to focus our thinking in ways that are beneficial for us.

8. Socialize through books.

Group of five people gathered around a table with books and coffee

Many people enjoy sharing their reading experiences with others. If you want to connect with people, you can try to read more and then meet up with people in a book club. Whether in-person or virtual, book clubs are an enriching way to connect with different people and to learn about them and yourself.

Some book clubs focus on specific types of books, others choose whatever interests the group. Joining a book club is a healthy way to socialize and interact in a positive environment. Social media is a good place to search for reading groups that suit you.

9. Choices for everyone.

Woman reclines on couch, wrapped in a blanket, reading her book

For many people, reading is a chore they associate with boring school assignments. But there are so many kinds of books to pick from today that you are sure to find some that entertain and enlighten you. Whatever interests you have, you can find books on those subjects that you can then enjoy in your downtime. That includes everything from cooking and baking to true crime to history to fantasy.

The librarians at your local library and the staff at bookstores can be helpful resources to guide you to the kinds of books that you’ll love. Online sellers make books on nearly every topic easily accessible to you, and they can make recommendations based on other books you’ve already enjoyed. All of these can open up the world of books and its benefits to you, setting you on the path to read more.

7 Surprising Benefits of Gardening

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4 Tips to Read More.

The first step to read more is to pick your book off the shelf

Try these hints for fitting reading time into your busy days.

Set a time to read. Many people like to read before bedtime. However, if you tend to nod off before you turn the page, make a standing appointment with yourself to read for just 15 minutes at another time of day. Try to read more first thing in the morning, during mid-afternoon coffee breaks or after dinner—whatever fits your schedule best.

Find a quiet spot. Look for a place where you’ll be free of distractions. That could be inside your home, on a balcony or even in a park. When your mind can focus, you’ll soon be lost in the world of the book.

Watch less. Try reading instead of binge watching TV and Netflix shows. Before sitting down to watch, open a book first and give yourself the 15 minutes of reading. Before long, you’ll be “binge reading.”

Bring a book. Many days include some time spent sitting and waiting for appointments and killing time while the kids are playing sports or in other activities. Keep a book handy and you’ll be ready to dig in wherever you are.

The post 9 Reasons to Read More Today appeared first on The Leaf.

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‘Tis the season for specialty foods and drinks! With so many enticing pumpkin and apple treats hitting the market, it’s hard not to get side-tracked from your healthy eating habits. Unfortunately, these kinds of foods pack more than just flavor—they dish out a lot of fat and calories, too. We’ve rounded up eight common offenders, along with some tips on how to make healthier choices so that you don’t feel like you have to miss out on your favorite fall fare.

Here are eight simple swaps for a healthier fall:

1. Pumpkin Spiced Latte

While it may be the signature drink of the season, many of the pumpkin spice drinks on the market pack a ton of fat and calories. A 12-ounce (Tall) Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks with whipped cream, for example, has 310 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Don’t miss out on the full coffee shop experience. Instead, just order smart with these five simple ways to lighten up your latte. Better yet, save your money and whip up this healthy fall recipe instead; Enjoy our Skinny Pumpkin Spice Latte in the comfort of home! Or get your pumpkin fix with this delicious Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

2. Hard Apple Cider

Pumpkin beer is the adult beverage of choice for the fall season. But lately there’s been growing interest in the various hard ciders out there. While a serving of alcohol from time to time isn’t going to destroy your diet, it’s still best to make smart choices. The biggest difference between beer and cider is the sugar content. Because cider is made sweet by a slow fermentation of apples, the sugar content typically rises. And in the vast majority of cases, it’s going to be higher than beer.

At Nutrisystem, we recommend limiting alcohol while trying to lose weight, so consider these healthy mocktail recipes that are flavorful and alcohol-free .If you do choose to indulge, opt for a light beer or one glass of dry wine, then switch to seltzer. Check out these 10 low-calorie beers that actually taste good! >

3. Pumpkin Pie

If you’re a lover of all things pumpkin, than pumpkin pie is likely your ideal dessert. But with over 300 calories for the average slice (made with full-fat ingredients), it’s not doing your waistline any good. Fortunately, there are many easy and healthy fall recipes out there for healthier versions. You can also get your pumpkin fix with something different altogether like a pumpkin muffin or slice of bread—so long as they’re made with healthy ingredients like whole wheat flour and skim milk. Better yet, get your pumpkin pie fix with our guilt-free Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe or this delicious Pumpkin Spice Mug Cake. Both are simple to make and even easier to eat!

4. Apple Fritters

Because they’re deep fried, apple fritters are one of the worst possible donut choices out there. A single apple fritter from Dunkin Donuts is 510 calories and 28 grams of fat. Still, they pop up at local pumpkin patches and outdoor fall festivals everywhere. Don’t let their fruity name or the fact that they’re not frosted mislead you. The glaze that apple fritters are dunked in is primarily high fructose corn syrup.

Make your own apple fritters at home that fit into your Nutrisystem plan! Our Air Fryer Apple Fritter recipe clocks in at just 128 calories per serving. Get the recipe here! >

Craving more healthy and delicious apple treats? Check out these 14 apple recipes that are filled with fall flavor! You’ll love our easy and Healthy Apple Pie (no sugar added!) and Air Fryer Apple Chips. Or, get your apple fix with this delicious No Sugar Added Slow Cooker Apple Sauce.

5. Halloween Candy

Bagged candy started showing up in grocery stores in August and now seems to be everywhere. If you buy candy for trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood, fight the temptation to buy it early as you may end up snacking on it yourself. If you really need your candy fix, avoid chocolates with caramel or nougat, which tend to contain an excess of fat. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with a piece of fresh fruit. Of you must have candy, opt for the hard kinds, which deliver about 24 calories. You’ll avoid a major sugar rush! You can also whip up some healthy Halloween candy. Try these delicious 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cups or these 4-Ingredient Chocolate Raspberry Cups.

5 Healthy Halloween Swaps for Every Kind of Candy Craving

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6. Caramel Apples

While they’ve long been a fall favorite, caramel apples are packed with sugar and saturated fat. You may have also caught wind of a big news story that unrefrigerated caramel apples—as they are often sold at festivals or when hand-dipped and given out as Halloween treats—can pose a deadly listeria risk. If caramel apples are your go-to fall treat, consider making them fresh at home and keep them in the refrigerator. Try our recipe for Chocolate Caramel Apples! You can also whip up another healthier idea like caramel yogurt dip for dunking fresh apple slices. Or satisfy your sweet tooth with one of these 17 Guilt-Free Healthy Dessert Recipes Under 200 Calories.

7. Hot Chocolate

Though hot chocolate may be the quintessential cold weather drink, it can be a sneaky fall fat trap. The problem with getting hot chocolate from your favorite coffee shop is that it comes with added syrup and whipped cream. While the cocoa powder mixes you make at home with water are typically 100 calories or less (the NESTLE Hot Cocoa Mix Rich Chocolate with Marshmallows is 80 calories per pack), when you factor in milk, syrup and whipped cream, the calorie count can seriously climb. A 12-ounce (Tall) Hot Chocolate from Starbucks (with two percent milk and whipped cream) is 280 calories and 12 grams of fat. Stick to water and cocoa powder for a low calorie, no-fat option. We also have lightened up recipes, such as Peppermint White Hot Chocolate (188 calories), Almond Joy Hot Chocolate (83 calories) and Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate (136 calories). Or, warm up while you slim down with one of these 6 Hot Drinks for Cool Weather.

8. Comfort Foods

From chicken pot pie to hearty stews and chili, it’s worth mentioning that a common fat trap come fall is a switch from fresh summer salads to heavier, more filling dishes. While the original full-fat versions of these foods pack in a ton of calories and fat, there are many ways to make them healthier. Consider a vegetarian chili or substitute your ground beef for lean turkey like we did in this hearty and delicious Turkey Chili Recipe. Or try some of our favorite cold weather soups. If you’re on the Nutrisystem program, you can make this simple Spicy Pumpkin Soup using one of our popular Nutrisystem meals. With some simple changes you can still enjoy your favorite fall dishes and healthy fall meals for dinner or while watching the football game—but forgo the unnecessary fat and calories.

Looking to lose weight this autumn? Check out these easy ways to lose weight this fall and learn more about the Nutrisystem plan! >

*Nutritional info taken from company websites or USDA food search database on 9/14/2021.

The post 8 Simple Swaps for a Healthier Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

You could save a load of calories by skipping breakfast. About a quarter of American adults do. But does eating breakfast help you lose weight? And is it really the most important meal of the day?

Does Eating Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

eggs and spinach for breakfast to lose weight

Statistically speaking, saving calories in the morning doesn’t guarantee that you’ll lose weight faster—or at all. In fact, studies have found that breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight or obese than faithful morning eaters.1

One study, for example, found that people who ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast weighed less than those who skipped breakfast or who ate a higher fat breakfast.2

Some of the most successful losers—people who qualify for the National Weight Control Registry because they’ve lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for more than a year—have a few things in common, the chief among them that 78 percent of them eat breakfast every day.3

5 Breakfast Habits That Melt Pounds

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Breakfast Keeps You Full and Satisfied

couple eating breakfast to lose weight

One reason breakfast plays such an important role on a weight loss program is—no surprise—that it can reduce your hunger.

Experts at the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture explain, “While you might save calories by skipping breakfast, this is not an effective strategy. Typically, hunger gets the best of breakfast ­skippers, and they eat more at lunch and throughout the day.2

While you may not be ready to nosh on a whole wheat bagel at the break of dawn, it can keep you full, satisfied and energized. Wait too long before eating and you could find yourself binge snacking the rest of the day.2

Boost Your Burn With Breakfast

oatmeal with berries and nuts

A recent small study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, suggests there may be something else at play.

Researchers at the University of Lubeck in Germany invited a group of volunteers to spend three days in a lab where their diet was strictly controlled. (Many larger breakfast studies rely on volunteers remembering what they ate over a period of time, which is not always reliable.)

The study found that the body uses 2.5 times more energy after breakfast than after dinner. This means you get more fat-burning power after a good breakfast than you do after your evening meal. The participants also had less of a spike in blood sugar and insulin concentrations after their breakfasts than they did at dinner.4

The old advice to “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” also got some credence from this research. Participants who ate a low-calorie breakfast were more likely to report feeling hungry and craving sweets later in the day than those who ate more calories at breakfast time.4 So yes, eating breakfast does help you lose weight!

21 Breakfast Recipes for a Flex-Approved Start to Your Day

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Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

With Nutrisystem, you can get delicious and nutritious breakfast options delivered right to your door. From hearty breakfast sandwiches and moist muffins to crunchy cereal and grab-and-go bars, you’re sure to find an option that you love. Plus, all of them are ready to enjoy in minutes! Paired with our easy-to-follow weight loss plan and amazing support tools, you can lose weight and get healthy while enjoying a tasty morning meal.

Check out some of our favorite irresistible healthy breakfasts below:

1. Blueberry Muffin >

Blueberry Breakfast Muffin to lose weight

Seriously, how can you resist? This fruity muffin is studded with plump, wild blueberries for a quick and easy sweet treat. It’s perfect for those with a busy schedule, the dieter looking for immediate gratification (you can eat it right out of the package) and the morning sweets craver. But here’s its weight loss secret: It has only 150 calories, but a whopping six grams of filling fiber.

2. Buttermilk Waffles >

Buttermilk Waffles

These are not your average frozen waffles. They are a good source of fiber (three grams) and contain five grams of protein for only 160 calories. A splash of sugar-free syrup, some fresh fruit and even a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg will make your quick weekday breakfast seems like a leisurely weekend brunch.

3. Apple Walnut Oatmeal >

Apple Walnut Oatmeal

Think of it as morning comfort food. Creamy oatmeal is dotted with real apples and walnuts and sprinkled with cinnamon (go on and sprinkle on a little more!). This instant healthy breakfast solves the “no time to eat” problem that so many of us have in the morning. It takes no time to make and you can even whip it up at work. Only 150 calories, it supplies five grams of fiber and protein to keep you full.

Dining Out and Weight Loss: Breakfast Edition

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4. Canadian Style Turkey Bacon, Egg And Cheese Muffin >

Canadian Style Turkey Bacon, Egg And Cheese Muffin

No need to hit the drive-thru. Your favorite breakfast sammie is right in your freezer, ready to microwave and eat. High protein egg whites, American cheese and Canadian-style turkey bacon are served atop a whole grain English muffin that will give you staying power for the morning. It’s got 160 calories with three grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein.

5. Harvest Nut Oat Bar >

Harvest Nut Oat breakfast Bar to lose weight

Looking for a grab-and-go option? Try this Harvest Nut Oat Bar made with peanuts, almonds and the goodness of cranberries and raisins. Bonus: It’s got a subtle sweetness that is sure to satisfy your cravings! Each bar is only 160 calories and has seven grams of protein. The only thing you need to supply is the morning coffee for a perfect way to start the day.

6. Granola Cereal >

Granola Cereal breakfast to lose weight

Dig into a delicious bowl of crunchy clusters made from rolled oats, puffed rice and cinnamon. This sweet and wholesome morning meal is a good source of fiber and provides you with 150 calories. And don’t forget about the study we mentioned earlier about cereal eaters weighing less than breakfast skippers!2

Busy Morning? 7 Awesome Breakfast Bars from Nutrisystem

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The post Does Eating Breakfast Help You Lose Weight? What the Research Says appeared first on The Leaf.

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