December 2022

There’s no question that charcuterie boards are currently all the rage. While it’s certainly not a new idea—in fact, charcuterie style eating dates back to the 15th century in France, according to—social media has blown this trend up. Whether for the holidays or just an everyday get-together, a classic charcuterie board is a great way to entertain.

While these delicious spreads are a ton of fun, they’re not necessarily known for being terribly healthy. After all, Oxford Languages defines charcuterie as “cold cooked meats.” A charcuterie board is traditionally known for featuring a wide variety of cured meats and cheeses.

But that’s not to say that you must be resigned to certain choices. There are certainly ways to boost the nutrition power and make a healthy, low-calorie charcuterie board with ingredients that you and your guests will still love. Here are a few of our best tips.

5 Delicious Mocktail Recipes You’ll Love

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Step 1: Make wise low-calorie cheese choices.

a variety of cheese on a charcuterie board

Cheese is pretty much a staple of the charcuterie board and probably not something you want to skip entirely. But you can make smarter cheese choices in order to keep your board healthy. Look for reduced-fat versions when you can. And remember—like everything else, it’s all about moderation. A little bit of your favorite cheese is not going to derail your diet. It’s only when you go overboard that it starts to become a problem. If you have a favorite cheese, work it into the board but when you go to load up your plate, just limit how many pieces you take.

Step 2: Load up on fruits and raw veggies.

a variety of vegetables and dips on a charcuterie board

One way to increase the health power of your charcuterie board is to make sure it’s amply packed with fresh fruits and raw veggies. Grapes that are still on the vine make a lovely and colorful addition to any board. But you can also chop up any of your favorite, seasonal fruits to add to your display. Rainbow carrots, mini bell peppers, radishes, cherry tomatoes and sliced cucumbers are charcuterie board essentials.

Be sure to include a variety of healthy dipping options for your veggies including low-fat dressing, hummus or maybe even peanut butter. Use your imagination and get creative! After all, one of the things that makes charcuterie so much fun is the chance to try some new things. Having lots of fun dips will make it easy to eat more of the healthy choices. You might even add some yogurt dip for the fruit!

Check out these 20 healthy dip recipes for the perfect quick and easy appetizer! >

Step 3: Choose whole grain crackers.

a spread of cheeses, crackers meats, and grapes on a charcuterie board

The crackers or mini bread slices that are often found on charcuterie platters can create a carb loading dilemma. It’s very easy to quickly fill up on these less-than-stellar choices.

You can make healthier cracker selections like whole grain or whole wheat options which will add more fiber to your board. Look for cracker or bread choices that contain a whole grain as the first ingredient. You can also look for some sprouted seed or nut crackers for a gourmet, crunchy twist!

If you want to go the extra mile, you could even tackle making crackers on your own. These Sweet Potato Crackers or these Pumpkin Cranberry Crackers would make excellent additions to your platter. Making your own components allows you to be in total control of the ingredients you eat.

The 7 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

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Step 4: Don’t overload the board with meats.

Shrimp on skewers with garnish and lime

Cured meats often make up a large portion of a traditional charcuterie board. The problem with many cured meats is that they are typically high in salt content and contain nitrates. To make your board healthier, limit the number of cured and deli meats you feature and try to use low-sodium options without any added honey or sugar.

Even better, replace them with a healthier choice. In place of salami or pepperoni, perhaps use some deli-style smoked turkey. Or maybe you can include some lean proteins like grilled shrimp or blackened grilled chicken, sliced in thin strips. Again, get creative and think outside of the box.

Step 5: Pack it with additional protein.

a close up of appetizers which include cheeses fruits and nuts

In addition to some healthier meat choices, you might also consider making your charcuterie board protein-packed with some healthy choices like hard-boiled egg slices or nuts. You could even consider adding some roasted chickpeas.

At the end of the day, the choices are yours. There are no hard-and-fast rules to charcuterie boards that you have to follow. In fact, one of the best aspects of creating a board yourself is the option to get creative and make it truly your own. When you’re in control of the ingredients, you can make sure that your board is delicious and nutritious.

Lose weight with a convenient meal delivery service. Get started with Nutrisystem today! >

The post How to Make a Healthy Charcuterie Board appeared first on The Leaf.

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Work out an hour a day! Lose 20 pounds! Stop eating cookies! These may sound like some of the overly-ambitious promises you make at the start of every year, only to break a few weeks later. Get-healthy goals are good, but only if you can actually keep them.

Here at Nutrisystem, our mission is to make healthy living easier. We want you to succeed at this. And this year, to help you get off to a successful start, we’re dishing out 10 New Year’s resolutions to consider making in 2023. They’re realistic and achievable, so you won’t abandon them in a month. Plus, they’ll help jumpstart your journey toward a happier, healthier you.

Here’s to the very best year yet! Check out these 10 New Year’s resolutions for a healthy 2023:

1. Aim to drop one to two pounds a week.

Evidence shows you’re more likely to keep the weight off when you lose it slowly and steadily, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And as you work toward your ultimate goal, your effort along the way does your body good: Even a modest weight loss, such as five percent of your total body weight, can help improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. [If you weigh 200 pounds, a five-percent weight loss equals 10 pounds.] A weight loss program like Nutrisystem can help you achieve this healthy rate of weight loss.

2. Walk more.

You’ve heard it a million times, and for good reason: It’s safe for most people, low-impact and requires nothing more than a pair of supportive shoes. Walking helps manage your weight, strengthen your body, and boost your mood; do it regularly and research suggests you’re likely to live longer. Begin with a slow stroll, for just a few minutes a day; then gradually build up your time and pace to the recommended 150 weekly minutes at a moderate-intensity. Break that up into small chunks if that’s more doable for you: Three, 10-minute brisk walks a day, five days a week.

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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3. Do body weight exercises.

Lunges, push-ups, crunches and squats: These equipment-free moves are a great way to add strength training to your routine. Regular strength training helps build lean muscle mass so you burn calories more efficiently; it also helps strengthen bones, manage your weight and sharpen thinking skills.

4. Add veggies to every meal.

That’s one way to help meet your “eat healthier” goal. Vegetables are low in calories, high in filling fiber and loaded with nutrients that may help reduce your risk of disease. And while you’re pretty good about getting some greens on your dinner plate, don’t skimp on other meals: In the morning, add spinach to an omelet or try smashed avocado on whole wheat toast; pile a lunch sandwich high with extra fixings (tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado) or use lettuce as a wrap (instead of bread); and during snack time, munch on carrots dipped in hummus or blend frozen broccoli or cauliflower into a fruit smoothie.

5. Practice deep breathing.

It’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to start meditating. Find a quiet spot, get in a comfortable position and focus all your attention on feeling and listening as you slowly inhale through your nostrils for a count of three, then exhale. Try placing your hand right below your navel so you can feel your belly rise and fall. Spending even a few minutes a day in meditation can help reduce stress and ease anxiety.

6. Sip water throughout the day.

Research has shown even mild dehydration can sap energy, reduce your ability to concentrate and negatively affect your mood. Plus, scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found people who drank one, two or three more cups of water a day cut calories and reduced their consumption of saturated fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol. One guideline we like at Nutrisystem is to drink a half ounce of water for every pound of weight you weigh (so divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water per day).

How to Know if You’re Dehydrated

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7. Schedule a physical.

Regular health exams can help find problems before they start, or earlier when your chances for treatment and cure are better, says the CDC. Talk to your doctor about what screenings or exams you may need, and when you need them. To make the most of your visit, compile your medical history, bring along any medications (including vitamins and supplements), prep a list of questions ahead of time, be specific with any symptoms you may be experiencing, and be honest so your doctor can better assess you.

8. Make time to volunteer.

When people contribute to their community or an organization they are passionate about, they lead happier lives, have lower rates of depression, and may even live a little longer than those who do not volunteer, according to a research review of more than 50 studies. Think about causes that are important to you, and research groups that deal with those issues. Also consider what you have to offer: if you love building or outdoor work, or have a knack for teaching kids, look for opportunities where you can use your skills.

10 Things Healthy People Do Every. Single. Day.

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9. Pace your drinks.

Especially around the holidays, all that toasting and cheersing could lead to one too many cocktails. One drink a day for women, two for men is considered light to moderate, and may even help protect against heart disease. But heavy drinking (more than three drinks on any day or more than seven per week; for men, more than four on any day or more than 14 per week) can actually hurt your heart and your liver, as well as raise your risk of depression and certain cancers, according to research. To help keep consumption under control at a party, pace yourself to no more than one alcoholic beverage per hour. Sip slowly, and space them out by making every other a non-alcoholic drink, such as water, soda or juice. Also, don’t drink on an empty stomach—alcohol is absorbed more slowly with food in your belly. And throughout the year, keep a drink diary: Note each drink before you drink it—on a card in your wallet, in a note on your smart phone, on your kitchen calendar, or wherever works for you. It may help you slow down, and shed light on any potential problem.

10. Set a bed-time alarm.

As odd as that may sound, the most important sleep strategy is to stick to a schedule—go to bed at the time every night, get up at the same time every morning. So set an alert to ring about a half hour before you plan to hit the sack to give you time to wind down, power off the laptop, put down the smart phone and get ready for bed. When you get into a regular sleep rhythm, you get better quality and more sound rest.

The post 10 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep appeared first on The Leaf.

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There’s nothing more relatable than a holiday binge: During the holidays, everyone has an occasion—OK, maybe a few occasions—where they go overboard on an eating binge.

Sound like you? Don’t beat yourself up about it. Even if your festive feast makes you feel like you’ve gained 10 pounds, it’s not too late. Stressing about “going overboard” a single time can actually make things worse. In a 2014 study, scientists found that women who were stressed burned 104 fewer calories in the seven hours after a meal than those who were feeling stress-free, says The Ohio State University.

But if you’re binging throughout the holiday “season” instead of on one or two special occasions, the results can really add up. Research, published in Nutrition & Metabolism, shows that Americans gain an average of one to two pounds during the holiday season, with most of the weight gained being fat. And trying to lose weight during the season can backfire for some: In a study, published in the Journal of Obesity, obese participants who attempted to drop pounds during the holiday season actually wound up gaining weight instead.

5 Holiday Hiccups That Can (Seriously!) Hinder Your Weight Loss

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Control Binges and Still Enjoy the Holidays

holiday binge

If you’re worried about setting your weight loss progress back significantly, think about limiting the number of times that you binge to focus on the holiday meals and occasions that you really love. Maybe your Mom’s Christmas dinner is legendary, but the food at your office party is just ordinary. In that case, indulge at Mom’s house and focus more on networking when you’re with your coworkers.

Nutrisystem dietitians say that eating the foods you really crave—like Mom’s famous, buttery mashed potatoes—can help you move past the craving instead of grazing on less-satisfying fare. This can especially work if you savor the holiday foods you really love: Eating mindfully and paying attention to the tastes, textures, aromas and feelings associated with eating a food has been shown to help eaters feel more satisfied and lose weight. In a three-month study, published by Ohio State University, mindful eating practices helped diabetics significantly lower their blood sugar, says Science Daily.

When mindful eating involves a favorite food, it can work even better: In another study, published in the journal Appetite, scientists studied participants who ate chocolate. Those who did so while practicing mindful eating experienced more mood-boosting affects from the chocolate than those who just wolfed it down without thinking.

Even by limiting your binges, the holidays may slow, stall or set you back with your weight loss progress. However, research published in Physiology & Behavior says that the most important thing for sustained weight loss is to not let the binges and weight gain continue into January. It’s also important to lose any weight you might have gained due to holiday overeating. Some scientists theorize that little bits of holiday weight gain—weight that most of us don’t lose—is actually to blame for the slow, creeping advance of our overall weight as we age.

10 Ways to Prepare for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

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Breaking the Holiday Binge Cycle

holiday binge

“Lose the holiday weight you’ve gained” sounds obvious enough. After all, almost everyone has a New Year’s resolution to clean up their diet. However, most of us don’t succeed, according to research in Nutrition & Metabolism.

In a study, published in the journal PLoS One, scientists found that people actually buy 9.3 percent more calories of food overall after the holidays than they do during the holidays. They also continue to buy “less-healthy” foods at the same rate that they did during the holiday period.

That’s why having a plan that can help you feel full and stay feeling satisfied—instead of crash dieting—is so important after the holidays. With a plan like Nutrisystem, you’ll re-train your mind and body to eat in moderation instead of bingeing, providing your body with the nutrients it needs, the types of foods you really want and in portions that can help you lose the holiday weight.

If you feel like you can’t stop binging—not just during the holidays, but all year—seek medical attention. Binge eating is a real eating disorder that can have real health consequences. Speak to your doctor and he or she can help you determine if your binges are a disorder and provide physical and emotional treatment that may help.

Christmas Workout Challenge: 12 Days of Holiday Workouts

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The post The Holiday Binge and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know appeared first on The Leaf.

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One of the best ways to add healthy options to your holiday table is with fruit! Fruit is packed with vitamins and antioxidants but it’s also sweet and delicious. We’ve rounded up 20 Christmas fruit ideas that cover appetizers, salads and desserts.

1. Strawberry Santa Hats >

Strawberry Santa Hats

These little Strawberry Santa Hats are super simple to assemble and make an adorable addition to your Christmas dessert table. You could also serve them on mini pancakes for a fun Christmas morning breakfast. All you need to whip up these festive treats are strawberries, white chocolate chips, shaved coconut and mini marshmallows.

2. 28-Calorie Easy Holiday Fruit Cups >

28-Calorie Easy Holiday Fruit Cups

Chopped strawberries and pomegranate seeds are added to cups of red gelatin for a red-themed, Christmas fruit treat that is oh-so-easy to make! And at just 28 calories per cup, these Easy Holiday Fruit Cups are a guilt-free indulgence that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

3. Snowman Fruit Kabobs >

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

Whether you’ve got kids or kids-at-heart to feed, these Snowman Fruit Kabobs are fun for everyone! You can even have some fun with the assembly, giving your kids a chance to “decorate” their own snowmen. Each snowman comes together from three banana slices, an apple slice “hat,” some mini chocolate chips, sprinkles and pretzel sticks.

4. Easy Fresh Fruit Tart >

Easy Fresh Fruit Tart

As far as pretty desserts go, Christmas fruit tarts always make an attractive and tasty addition. While this is a popular bakery item, you can make a much healthier version with our recipe, which uses a whole wheat crust. On top of that, a filling made from low-fat cream cheese and sugar-free pudding keeps the fat and calories low. Finally, you’ll top this Easy Fresh Fruit Tart with chopped fruit and/or berries to finish it all off.

5. Air Fryer Cranberry Pecan Pie >

Air Fryer Cranberry Pecan Pie

You’ve probably heard us talk about how much we love air fryers. This Air Fryer Cranberry Pecan Pie recipe is a great example of its versatility! This Christmas fruit pie starts with a five-ingredient, homemade crust made from oat flour, almond flour, cinnamon, brown sugar and applesauce. A delicious filling with pecans and cranberries finishes it all off with a big burst of flavor.

6. 5-Ingredient Baked Blackberry Brie Baguette >

5-Ingredient Baked Blackberry Brie Baguette

You’ll be sure to impress your holiday guests with this Baked Blackberry Brie Baguette appetizer that is as fancy as it is delectable. But here’s a secret you don’t have to let them in on—it’s quite simple to make! All you need is a whole wheat baguette, some brie cheese, a cup of blackberries, a sprig of fresh thyme, and a teaspoon of honey. The complex flavors of Brie and blackberries come together in an appealing way.

7. Healthy Fruit Salad >

Healthy Fruit Salad

One of the best ways to stay on track at holiday parties is to fill up on fruit and veggies before the meal. Bring this Healthy Fruit Salad to your next gathering and enjoy a bowl before choosing any dinners or desserts. You’ll fill up on “nature’s candy” and avoid overeating less healthy options.

8. Cannoli Stuffed Strawberries >

Cannoli Stuffed Strawberries

If a cannoli is your go-to guilty pleasure, then you’ve got to try these guilt-free Cannoli Stuffed Strawberries. They pack a creamy cannoli filling into strawberries instead of a pastry shell. The low-fat filling is made from part-skim ricotta cheese, stevia and vanilla extract, then it’s all topped with mini chocolate chips. The result is a Christmas fruit treat that looks as good as it tastes.

9. Grinch Fruit Kabobs >

Grinch Fruit Kabobs

Here’s one of our favorite creative and easy Christmas fruit ideas! These simple Grinch Fruit Kabobs are assembled with just three ingredients: green grapes, banana slices and strawberries! All stacked on a toothpick, the result is a treat that looks like the “Mean One”—Mr. Grinch. They’ll make a fun and healthy addition at your next holiday gathering.

10. Strawberries and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sauce >

Strawberries and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sauce

This is the perfect dipping sauce for strawberries, bananas, apples and your other favorite fruits. Simply combine heated milk, chocolate chips and peanut butter, then dip your strawberries (or fruit of choice). Assemble a fruit tray to put out at your next party with this dip at the center. With these Strawberries and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sauce, you’ll feel good about providing a healthy option you can snack on, too.

11. Crustless Cranberry Pie >

Crustless Cranberry Pie

While pies are a holiday favorite, most are usually packed with fat and calories. Fortunately, our Crustless Cranberry Pie uses healthful ingredients like whole wheat pastry flour, fresh cranberries and nonfat Greek yogurt. Pies can sometimes be a lot of work. But without the crust, this one is pretty simple. You can whip it up in no time for your next get-together.

12. Healthy Honey Poached Pear >

Healthy Honey Poached Pear

Healthy Honey Poached Pears look and sound like a fancy treat, but they are so simple to make. You’ll boil your pears with water, ginger, honey, cinnamon and some spices. Once tender, the pears are plated and drizzled with honey. It’s quite easy and the result is a delicious and healthy Christmas fruit dessert that everyone will enjoy.

13. No-Bake Cranberry Cheesecake Parfait >

No-Bake Cranberry Cheesecake Parfait

Cranberries are certainly one of the favorite Christmas fruits of the holiday season. This No-Bake Cranberry Cheesecake Parfait recipe is such a fun and delicious way to use them! It brings together the tart flavor of cranberries with the sweetness of cheesecake filling and crunchy graham crackers—all in a parfait cup that is simple to assemble.

14. Easy Air Fryer Baked Apple >

Easy Air Fryer Baked Apple

One of our favorite things about making this Easy Air Fryer Baked Apple dessert is that it fills the house with a delightful smell that’s better than any candle you could buy. It’s another air fryer recipe that makes baking dessert easy and healthy.

15. Cacao Citrus Salad >

Cacao Citrus Salad

Filled with slices of oranges and grapefruits, pomegranate seeds, pistachios and cacao, this Cacao Citrus Salad is complex in flavor but very easy to make. Using blood oranges and ruby red grapefruits can give you more of a reddish hue to this already colorful fruit salad, making it more seasonally appealing.

16. Cranberry Brie Baguette Bites >

Cranberry Brie Baguette Bites

This simple appetizer starts with a sliced whole wheat baguette. You’ll melt some brie on each baguette slice and then top with a mixture of cranberries, honey and orange zest. Chopped basil adds a finishing touch while also incorporating some festive green coloring to the red and white. These Cranberry Brie Baguette Bites look super fancy but we’ll keep the secret of just how easy they were to actually make!

17. Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip >

Liven up your holiday snack table with a delicious, creamy Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip! This tart and creamy appetizer is a crowd favorite and is sure to impress your dinner guests. The best part? It’s easy to make and made from simple ingredients like cream cheese and fresh cranberries for a light yet tangy flavor in every bite.

18. Fig and Goat Cheese Toast >

Fig and Goat Cheese Toast

Whether you’re looking for a new snack idea or an appetizer for your next holiday party, Fig and Goat Cheese Toast is a great option. They recipe can be prepared in just minutes, so it’s perfect for the busy holiday season.

19. Pomegranate Lentil Caviar >

Pomegranate Lentil Caviar

Pomegranates are one of our favorite holiday superfoods. They’re the star of this simple appetizer or side dish, which features pomegranate, lentils, red onions and sunflower seeds. Serve this Pomegranate Lentil Caviar with slice whole wheat pita bread or over mixed greens for a Christmas fruit salad.

20. Pomegranate Chicken Salad Wraps >

Pomegranate Chicken Salad Wraps

This unique, holiday-inspired twist on a classic chicken salad will be a new family favorite during Christmastime. It’s sweet, savory and super simple to prepare. We love Pomegranate Chicken Salad in lettuce wraps, but you could also serve it with crackers or on whole grain buns.

The post Fresh, Flavorful and Festive: 20 Christmas Fruit Ideas appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

‘Tis the season of parties, feasts and daily temptations to abandon your healthy eating plan. You deserve to celebrate and indulge in the pleasures of the holiday. You’ve been eating well and have stayed focused on your weight loss goals. But you don’t have to let go of all the progress you’ve made to enjoy the season. Avoid these common mistakes so that you can have all the fun with none of the regret.

10 Ways to Prepare for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

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Here are five holiday hiccups that could sabotage your weight loss goals:

1. Don’t go holiday hungry.


You might think that skipping meals before a party will “save” you calories. But when you are ravenously hungry and standing in front of a buffet table of high calorie goodies, you’ll find it hard to resist piling it on.

Eat your regular Nutrisystem meals and snacks on party days and then load up your plate with (unlimited!) non-starchy vegetables. Indulge in just a few bites of the treats you love the most. Better yet, offer to bring Skinny Spinach Dip, Loaded Potato Skins or one of our other favorite appetizers here on The Leaf Weight Loss Blog. No one else will notice they’re as nutritious as they are delicious.

2. Little tastes are too much.


When you’re cooking and baking for family and friends, you want everything to be just right. Naturally, you’ll have the urge to sample food as you are preparing it and getting ready to put it on the table. But a taste here and a little bite there can add up, gradually increasing your portion size without you even noticing. Instead, ask family members or guests to be your testers. They will be happy to help and you can enjoy the whole meal at the same time as everyone else.

3. Drink wisely.


Wine, beer and spirits can add to the festive mood of any get-together. However, excess drinking can leave you with more than a hangover. Alcohol loads you up with empty calories and can overstimulate your appetite, leading to unhealthy food choices.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t have a drink on the Nutrisystem program. Keep the calorie count as low as possible by choosing dry wines, light beers and cocktails made with seltzer rather than sugary mixers. Nutrisystem recommends a maximum of two servings of alcohol per week. Try to spread them out on separate days.

Click the link below to learn more about alcohol and weight loss:

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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4. Get to bed.


Who can sleep when there’s so much to do? The long days and late nights of the holiday season can wear you down, which has a direct effect on your weight.

According to Healthline, inadequate sleep increases your risk for weight gain and obesity. They explain that lack of sleep increases the production of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. That can cause you to feel hungry even after your body is nourished. Help yourself stay on track by ensuring that you get plenty of shut-eye between all the preparations and parties.

5. No jumping to January.


If you are considering giving up on your healthy eating plan for the holidays and picking it up again in the new year, think about all the time and effort you’ve already put in. You’ve retrained your appetite and your metabolism and every healthy meal you eat is another step toward your goal.

If you keep in mind all that you’ve been learning about smart food choices throughout your journey, you can still enjoy the celebration season. You’ll be giving yourself a gift you’ll always treasure: a happier, healthier you.

Christmas Workout Challenge: 12 Days of Holiday Workouts

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The post 5 Holiday Hiccups That Can (Seriously!) Hinder Your Weight Loss appeared first on The Leaf.

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